The sporting action of running is critical for participation in almost all sports. The ability to use an effective movement pattern to run will increase efficiency and allow appropriate modifications of speed and direction.
The correct sporting action for running should demonstrate the following :
FOOT RISE: After ground contact, the knee is flexed and the heel is brought close towards the buttocks.
KNEE DRIVE: After ground contact, the knee is flexed and the heel is brought close towards the buttocks.
FOOT CONTACT: The front of the foot makes contact before the heel. Contact is close to directly beneath the center of gravity ( foot touches under or just in front of hip ) On contact the hip, knee, and ankle flex to absorb forces of impact. The hip, knee, and ankle joints extend powerfully against the ground to drive into the next stride.
ARM ACTION: As the right knee is rotated forward and upward – the left arm is swung forward & upward and – the right arm is swung backward & upward. Elbows are flexed to approximately 90 degrees. At the forward limit of the arm action, the hands are about level with the shoulder. At the backward limit of the arm action, the hands are level with hips or slightly behind.
TRUNK: Slight forward lean. Rotation of the thorax, shoulders and head should be minimal.
The Activity
Aim: To perform an analysis of the sporting action of running.
Equipment: Replay It App with 10 second delay
Procedure: Observe the running action of one or more people and use the table below to analyze the movement pattern.
If the video is not being used the subject will throw enough times for adequate observation to take place and the table to be completed.
Video Analysis Apps
The following FREE apps are designed to provide hands-free instant replays. Simply set the given delay value (eg 10 seconds) and point the app towards your performance. You can now perform and then return to the device to review.
Replay It (Chrome Browser)
The Results
1. Discuss the relationship between stride length and stride frequency.
2. Rate the subject(s) observed with a score out of 30.
3. Which phase(s) of the skill do the performer/s require more practice with? Suggest possible reasons for this.
4. List some sports or physical activities where the ability to run well is important.